Dr. Andrea Di Rosa

Appointment period: 1/2/2024 – 31/1/2027

Dr Andrea Di Rosa graduated at Sapienza University of Rome in Topography of Rome and Ancient Italy. In 2012, he received a competitive diploma from the School of Specialization in Archeology (Methodologies and techniques of archaeological research) in the same University.

In 2015, he submitted a PhD dissertation in Classical Archeology (Ancient Topography) at the Sapienza University of Rome, dedicated to Landscape archaeology of the territory of Fondi.

Since 2000, he has collaborated with the Archaeological Superintendency of Rome and with the Archaeological Superintendency of Lazio. He has participated in numerous archaeological missions in Italy, Europe and the Middle East. He led archaeological excavations in Spain (Orce), Israel (Tiberias), Italy (Rome, Florence, Palestrina, Otranto, Sardinia and Sicily) and archaeological surveys in the Ager Veientanus, Southern Pontine plain, Terracina and Fondi.

He has collaborated with Italian and foreign institutes and universities (Sapienza University of Rome-IT, University of Groningen-NL, University of Friburg – CH, University of Montpellier3-FR).

He currently deals with maritime archeology, adopting a landscape and topographic point of view. He focuses more specifically on ancient port structures and how they impact the organization of the territory and how they are connected to rivers and roads. He currently participates in the CoG ERC – SHIPs project (101088962), directed by Prof. Emmanuel Nantet (University of Haifa).

The book he dedicated to the correspondence between two eminent archaeologists of the last century, Giuseppe Lugli and Thomas Ashby, combines the close examination of archives and  the study of archaeological materials:


Dr Andrea Di Rosa research deals mainly with:

  • Methodologies and techniques of archaeological research
  • Landscape archaeology
  • Architectural techniques of the Greco-Roman world
  • Archeology of ancient Italy
  • Archeology of the Mediterranean Sea

E-mail: andreadirosa78@gmail.com