Laboratory of Applied Marine Biology & Ecology Research (AMBER)
The laboratory of Applied Marine Biology and Ecological Research headed by Prof. Dror Angel addresses a variety of topics, with an emphasis on applied ecology, including: gelatinous zooplankton and their role in marine systems, jellyfish swarms, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture and other approaches to achieve sustainable aquaculture, microplastic pollution and its impacts on marine biota, testing various approaches to reduce marine microplastic pollution, understanding the impacts of human activities (e.g., beach nourishment, archaeological excavations) in the shallow coastal zone, employing citizen science in marine research, etc. The laboratory has basic equipment for sampling and processing plankton and water samples, including a YSI sonde, plankton nets, splitters, subsamplers, dissecting and fluorescent microscopes. We have aquaria to hold and examine marine organisms sampled at sea, a rolling table for working with plankton, specialized dissolved oxygen optode electrodes to measure metabolism and oxygen budgets of marine biota and submersible thermometers and light meters. In addition, we have equipment for sampling and processing sediment and benthos samples. The laboratory has six workstations, for both wet and dry work, and serves as a resource in support of research students associated with AMBER. In addition, the lab manager, Ms Carmel Danino-Gozlan offers support and advice to students.